Last Man Standing

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Download Movie Last Man StandingLast Man Standing
In a town with no justice, there is only one law... Every man for himself., If you lived in this town, you'd be dead by now., There are two sides to every war. And John Smith is on both of them.
Formats: hpc, ipod, divx, hidivx
Genres: Action, Drama, Crime, Thriller
Year: 1996
IMDB Rating: 5.80
IMDB Votes: 10586
Actors: Sanderson, William as Joe Monday, Mann, Leslie as Wanda, Dern, Bruce as Sheriff Ed Galt, Markland, Ted as Deputy Bob, Eisenberg, Ned as Fredo Strozzi, Contreras, Luis as Comandante Ramirez, Walken, Christopher as Hickey, Lombard, Karina as Felina, Powers, Alexandra as Lucy Kolinski, Call, R.D. as Jack McCool, Imperioli, Michael as Giorgio Carmonte, Jenkins, Ken as Capt. Tom Pickett, Willis, Bruce as John Smith, Kelly, David Patrick as Doyle, Kilpatrick, Patrick as Finn
John Smith is an amoral gunslinger in the days of Prohibition. On the lam from his latest (unspecified) exploits, he happens upon the town of Jericho, Texas. Actually, calling Jericho a town would be too generous—it has become more like a ghost town, since two warring gangs have 'driven off all the decent folk.' Smith sees this as an opportunity to play both sides off against each other, earning himself a nice piece of change as a hired gun. Despite his strictly avowed mercenary intentions, he finds himself risking his life for his, albeit skewed, sense of honor....
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A Walter Hill film, have not seen him much lately, but a top casting for the main character, Walter Bruce Willis! What an action hero! Bruce always comes a tremendous degree of control natural cold until it's time to get nuts! The man is between what is John Smith (Willis) is smart enough to play both sides and exit between the factions in the upper Waring. That's just his style. He has a cutting wit and snide, who retains his anguish until it is in the battle, then becomes' Look-out for everyone else around you. What a crew, Last Man Standing contained. Christopher Walken, there is a flavor that permeates the stories of the palate. Mr. cold and cunning to surrender, he has a way that can not be denied, even if he is a bad guy, he loves! Ned Eisenberg (Miami Vice / Several other papers) is a condescending and sometimes scared, but friendly character, which makes a nice addition to the full cast of this man of good verses bad action movie. Bruce Dern is a good guy and a great evil. His radar is wrong and is based on what is happening around him almost like satellite coverage. Willis gives a substantial portion of the energy and grit to cover anyone who does not possess. The West is not last man standing, but has a kind of feel-good Western appeal, when John Wayne rode along a little bit more brutal and cutting edge! Recommended (*****) widely.
I must say that although I have not seen Yojimbo, and just yesterday I saw a handful of dollars (Last Man Standing be a remake of Yojimbo, as is handful) is that while a handful more classic, iconic, and the smart two, Last Man Standing remains high as a rough, exciting, beautiful and atmospheric Last Man Standing film noir. Every second of the Last Man Standing Action movie drips ban gangster atmosphere was beautiful, if you are in that kind of experience will make an exciting movie. If you wanted handful and Yojimbo, this is probably worth seeing just to see the third and least known to assume this classic story of a man with no name two working groups at war for its own benefit. The action, when it occurs, is very fast and furious style, and Bruce Willis (but not Clint Eastwood) has its own reality as a pleasant and convincing antihero as John Smith. It is tragically undervalued and overlooked, and well worth seeing.

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