This Is England

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Download Movie This Is EnglandThis Is England

Formats: ipod, 720p, divx
Genres: Drama
Year: 2006
IMDB Rating: 8.00
IMDB Votes: 8460
Actors: Gilgun, Joseph as Woody, Ellis, Andrew as Gadget, Benson, Perry as Meggy, Hardcastle, Kieran as Kes, McClure, Vicky as Lol, Cresswell, Chanel as Kelly, Shim, Andrew as Milky, Newton, George as Banjo, Harper, Frank as Lenny, Dosanjh, Kriss as Mr. Sandhu, Graham, Stephen as Combo, O'Connell, Jack as Pukey Nicholls, Hartley, Jo as Cynth, Hanson, Rosamund as Smell, Turgoose, Thomas as Shaun
Roland Rat, Margaret Thatcher; Rubik's Cubes, the Royal Wedding; aerobics, skinheads... It's 1983, and the schools are breaking up for summer. Shaun is 12 and a bit of a loner, growing up with his mum in a grim coastal town, his dad killed fighting in the Falklands War. On his way home from school where he's been tormented all day for wearing flares, he runs into a group of skinheads, who against expectations turn out to be friendly and take him under their wing. Soon Shaun discovers parties, girls and snappy dressing, and finds some role models in Woody, Milky and the rest of the gang. But when an older, overtly racist skinhead returns home from prison, the easy camaraderie of the group is broken, and Shaun is drawn into much more uncomfortable territory. Based largely on his own experience as a youngster, this is Shane Meadows' most mature and fully realised film. Handling the complexities of masculinity, violence and race with sensitivity and a lightness of touch, it's hard to imagine a film that would better capture the mood of the time, or that could have any greater an understanding of the allure of being part of a gang.
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Wow .... great movie. Thought the boy Thomas and an unknown player I think his first major role ... it was great. Great seeing the beginning with all the old clips of the eighties .... those were the days. Shows the two sides to the skinhead ... not all are racist. Be a ska / mod fan knew / knows a lot of the older skins / mods / punk and think I've only found a few that are racist and trouble makers ... Most of them are just normal people who can wear different but good people. The DivX film This Is England shows the two parties and the racist skinhead Combo was perhaps one of the issues. It also shows how the eighties did uu feel as if you had to belong to a particular group or feel on their own. I can not remember the different groups and I hated ... even now I feel I am person. I think British films get a lot of stick and not get the credit they deserve ... American films always seem to go by the good people thin ... Perfect skin / hair .... English and when we realize that we are all different and this film: This Is England shows the difference. Who cares if the guy is drop dead beautiful as someone said ... not less than one actor. Top DVD movie This Is England and although I would recommend to see a touch of nostalgia, good scripts and music, some truth and some scenes that make you laugh / cringe and shock you.
Skinhead culture fascinates many directors, and is understandable. It is one of the few subcultures in the West, both by the Nazi connections. But skins are not in this DivX film This Is England does not begin with politicians and racists. One of the gang members is still black. They live in a happy community in the early 80s, have fun and be together in a totally gray hostile working environment. It is very encouraging and 12 years of age is accepted for the first time in his life. His yearning for the dead father in the Falklands War is replaced. However, the dark skin comes with a veteran who returns from prison. And there are conflicts between the fraction and the other racists. But whatever, it's not black and white. The characters are much more complicated. Much has been said of the young Thomas Turgoose as 12 years of age. It is very good, but it is the huge portrait of Stephen Graham as the old / new gang leader. Absolutely brilliant work.
There is no doubt that this This Is England Drama film is truly a great piece of film-making. Shane Meadows This Is England Drama craft in the style of Martin Scorsese. It gives us a glimpse into the lives of a group of characters in a short period of time. It is very much a fly on the wall type of movie. The point of these films is to understand the actions of the characters rather than judge their actions. I have no doubt that there will be some people who label this DVD film This Is England is that it is racist and not lose the point. The This Is England film follows Shaun of 12 years of age, municipality until the early 80's in England. He lost his father in the Falklands war and suffered harassment and isolation until they are befriended by a group of skinheads. The band are happy when challenged Combo is released from prison. Thomas Turgoose is superb in the lead role and the director / screenplay Åre also spot the mark. For someone who lived during the entire period there were many reminders of the period. The This Is England movie is based on Meadow's own childhood and it is quite fascinating at times. I was trapped in the DVD movie This Is England and also gave me much food for thought afterwards. What more can you ask for when going to the movies? I suppose that if you go to the movies to escape then go see something else, but if you think a grip then the theater is not much better than this. Outstanding!
This This Is England film is absolutely brilliant! Although established in 1983, still has to do with issues of racism! The This Is England movie deals with racism in a sensitive way and the players who suffered at the hands of racism were excellent. Unfortunately, consideration of people in the cinema laughed touching scenes as racist Combo tells three young Asians to go home to his mother who is a cooking curry. " These people laugh at the movies, unfortunately, show that racism is still very much alive today. The film: This Is England really explored the problems of adolescents through, for example, harassment, entering the wrong people, smoking, drinking (unfortunately), etc. I was also surprised by the brilliant acting of the actors who were as young as Thomas Turgoose and Rosamund Hanson (smell - which has not been listed for some reason !!!). However, this This Is England Drama is great and I recommend it to anyone!

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