
Download Stop-Loss Movie Here
Download Movie Stop-LossStop-Loss

Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: War, Drama
Year: 2008
IMDB Rating: 6.40
IMDB Votes: 1997
Actors: Saldivar, Isreal as Augustin, Kroll, David as Pastor, Tatum, Channing as Steve Shriver, Frost, Alex as Shorty Shriver, Phillippe, Ryan as SSgt. Brandon King, Sommer, Josef as Senator Orton Worrell, Olyphant, Timothy as Lt. Col. Boot Miller, Brown, Rob as Isaac 'Eyeball' Butler, Calmbach, Ricky as Himself, Quay, Terry as Al 'Preacher' Colson, Wilcox, Matthew Scott as Harvey, Rasuk, Victor as Rico Rodriguez, Hinds, Ciaran as Roy King, Brewer, Connett as Curtis, Gordon-Levitt, Joseph as Tommy Burgess
Decorated Iraq war hero Sgt. Brandon King makes a celebrated return to his small Texas hometown following his tour of duty. He tries to resume the life he left behind. Then, against Brandon's will, the Army orders him back to duty in Iraq, which upends his world. The conflict tests everything he believes in: the bond of family, the loyalty of friendship, the limits of love and the value of honor.
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When I saw the preview, I thought it would be an accurate picture of how to stop the loss affects the soldiers. Unfortunately, it's a bit off the wall that showed how to get Brandon stop losses. Indeed, the stop-loss occurs 90 days before deployment and remains in effect until 90 days after the soldier returns. Each unit is a year of "time" in the U.S., which means you do not deploy during that period. The film's image Brandon losses stop receiving only a week after returning from Iraq to go to Iraq again for another trip a few weeks later was the most realistic shot 100 rounds without modifying an M4 magazine once. Moreover, by their actions after being stopped Loss (f *** the president saying, going Awol, etc. ..) that have not been returned to Iraq is still a sergeant, as he did at the end of the film. He probably would have conducted a court-martial instead. Other than those things, is not a bad movie. Only inaccurate. I served three tours in Iraq and I was to stop losses and my second. I knew I was to stop losses more than three months before I go, do not wait until two weeks before it was time to go to tell me stop losses. I decided to reenlist later instead of leaving at the end of my second trip.

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