Enemy of the State

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Download Movie Enemy of the StateEnemy of the State
Es ist kein Verfolgungswahn - Sie sind wirklich hinter dir her (It's no persecution complex - They're really after you.), It's not paranoia if they're really after you., In God we trust. The rest we monitor., The only privacy left is inside of your head
Formats: hidivx, hpc, divx
Genres: Drama, Action, Thriller
Year: 1998
IMDB Rating: 7.10
IMDB Votes: 26552
Actors: Hackman, Gene as Edward 'Brill' Lyle, Pepper, Barry as Det. David Pratt, Lee, Jason as Daniel Leon Zavitz, Wilson, Stuart as Congressman Sam Albert, Bonet, Lisa as Rachel F. Banks, Busey, Jake as Krug, Cayouette, Laura as Christa Hawkins, Caan, Scott as Jones, King, Regina as Carla Dean, Smith, Will as Robert Clayton Dean, LeGros, James as Jerry Miller, Byrne, Gabriel as Fake Brill, Dean, Loren as Loren Hicks, Hart, Ian as Det. John Bingham, Voight, Jon as Thomas Brian Reynolds
Tony Scott torna alle atmosfere thriller e senza tregua delle sue opere precedenti con un film tutto giocato sulla critica alle possibili privazioni della liberta del cittadino comune da parte dello Stato. Robert Dean e un giovane e promettente avvocato, che si trova coinvolto in un assurdo gioco di spie, perche un vecchio amico di scuola gli infila fra i regali di Natale un dischetto contenente le immagini di un omicidio commesso da un dirigente ambizioso e senza scrupoli della National Security Agency (potente organismo governativo responsabile delle operazioni spionistiche piu complesse). La vita del protagonista e sconvolta e continuamente in pericolo. Un ex agente della NSA, interverra in aiuto del giovane. Dopo essere sfuggiti numerose volte alla morte, i due si salveranno in un finale pieno di suspense e...con un po' di furbizia! Grande cast e grande azione per un film solido e ben girato.
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This was a great thriller / action piece, and the opportunity to bring to light a classic American film, the conversation. Gene Hackman, basically reprises his role as Harry Call, 15 years after the events in that film. Will Smith is a great man as a line with a change of just one line in your typical evil .... aw, lines. The cast, however, is what makes the film: Enemy of the State shine, that really intelligent script and a game at our paranoia and fears of being watched. This is a film: Enemy of the State where everyone there is someone. Jaime Kennedy Cry of the movies, Seth Green almost can not wait, Gabe Byrne, everyone in this film. Bruckheimer has a reputation of Tony Scott and to return to their roots and make an action film: Enemy of the State strong, intelligent and very well acted by writing.
Enemy of the State is a good action movie. However, the special formula, used by Tony Scott, so we like the movie, does not include a large action, or a great story. It has style, which includes an interesting overview of the Enemy of the State movie and a great camera angle. The general idea, the Enemy of the State Drama film was based on, is that you can see in any place open to the satellite, and has been followed. Camera angles and the images that take us back to the satellite and add a lot of intensity, which is already high. The film: Enemy of the State is quick and never boring. The argument is simple. Murder, with the participation of senior officials, is recorded. The Enemy of the State Drama movie falls into the hands of our main hero, Robert Clayton Dean (Will Smith). Those involved will do anything to get rid of the evidence, and began the chase. The plot becomes a superficial Edward Lyle (Gene Hackman) gets into the picture and the final is even less convincing than then. But the intensity of the film, being always on the run, the cast and the style clearly compensate for the lack of plot originality. Refreshingly good film, it is beyond that of other action movies with the general argument, because they have an elegant and innovative idea.

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