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Download Movie KennyKenny
A knight in shining overalls
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Comedy
Year: 2006
IMDB Rating: 7.60
IMDB Votes: 1081
Actors: Atkinson, Adrian as Air Show Manager, Preusker, Hayley as Hayley, Smith, Pete as Radio DJ, Uerata, Thomas as Pumper 3, Davis, Chris as Pat, Golland, Travis as Pumper 1, Fuller, Saxon as Pumper 2, Ogston, Kevin 'Matey' Lee as Pumper 6, Carter, Craig as Radio DJ, Ogston, Kevin 'The Captain' Roy as Pumper 4, Scerri, Alf as Alf, Roy, Kevin as Pumper 5, Robertson, Mark as Robbo, Jacobson, Shane as Kenny Smyth, Preusker, Glenn as Glenn
From the biggest festival to the smallest church social, Kenny Smyth delivers porta-loos to them all. Ignored and unappreciated, he is one of the cogs in society's machinery; a knight in shining overalls taking care of business with his faithful 'Splashdown' crew. Follow Kenny as he tackles every septic challenge that comes his way, culminating in a pilgrimage to that Mecca of waste management, the International Pumper and Cleaner Expo in Nashville Tennessee - or as Kenny affectionately calls it, 'Poo HQ'. With fly-on-the-wall honesty and wit, 'KENNY' lifts the lid on one of Australia's roughest diamonds as he juggles family tensions, fatherhood and sewage with charm, humour and unflinching dignity. 'It takes a certain kind of person to do what I do... No-one's ever impressed; no-one's ever fascinated... If you're a fireman, all the kids will want to jump on the back of the truck and follow you to a fire. There's going to be no kids willing to do that with me. So, I don't do it to impress people - it's a job, it's my trade, and I actually think I'm pretty good at it.' - Kenny Smyth Part philosopher, part comedian and all heart, KENNY is living proof that in sewage, like life, the best will always rise to the top.
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This is a really wonderful movie. Acting, directing and camera work and really give it a credible and realistic feel - I forgot it was fiction film: Kenny while watching it. Bothers me a previous comment posted on this site suggesting that this Kenny film should only be released in Australia because they are the only ones who can truly appreciate. That is exactly the mentality that keeps this kind of authentic, quirky movies and big budget films Airhead struggling so comfortable. Being Canadian does not necessarily mean that you can only see the Canadian film, Canadian Kenny Comedy movie and has no place in the global market - that is ridiculous! "Kenny" is a perfect example of a small DivX film Kenny with a very particular approach to health and local charm and quirkiness. Whether you've heard some of his hilarious expressions before or not, will still be adorably funny. The characters are authentic, the story is charming and artistic vision is strong. Obviously appreciate different cultures different movies but I am convinced that this DVD film Kenny deserves so much success as it can find. I hate to gush, but really, this Kenny film deserves much props.
This Kenny film is one of the most original and most hilarious films I have ever seen. The plot is very original. Kenny shows you your life, your family and what it does when reading the quote so that no laughs at all. I went to see this DVD movie Kenny with my friend and let me tell you, he and I just cracked up laughing all the way through it. There was no time more than 3 minutes where no laughs. The DVD film Kenny is also dramatic, but not for too long without a joke to laugh. I hope this movie: Kenny is not released in any other country except Australia, because the Americans and everyone who is not an Australian who bash. Kenny has a lisp and a strong accent and a lot of Americans had a big problem. They could not understand a word Kenny said because of his lisp. This is a great shame, but I understood just what fine.An excellent masterpiece. 10/10

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