![]() | Last Sin Eater, The A little girl's quest for redemption uncovers a dark secret... and the truth shall set her free. Formats: ipod, divx Genres: Drama Year: 2007 IMDB Rating: 5.60 IMDB Votes: 720 Actors: Finlay-McLennan, Stewart as Brogan Kai, Decker, Anne Cullimore as Granny Forbes, Jepson, Molly as Elen Forbes, Fletcher, Louise as Miz Elda, Buckley, A.J. as Angor Forbes, Fulton, Soren as Fagan Kai, Liberato, Liana as Cadi Forbes, Wildman, Valerie as Gervase O'Dara, Rose, Thea as Lilybet, Flynn, Michael as Laochailand Kai, Thomas, Henry as Man of God, Lackey, Elizabeth as Fia Forbes, Myers, Kim as Iona Kai, Wingfield, Peter as The Sin Eater, Fitzpatrick, Gabrielle as Bletsung McLeod |
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This is a work of art with universal. The fact that the "Christian Right" that is claiming as its own, should not turn off everyone else. Whether your world view is determined by Jungian archetypes, Western philosophy, Eastern karma, or books of Judaism is a deep significance in this small budget film. The landscape is overwhelming, captivating characters and the last minutes of the Last Sin Eater, The film will require a minimum of two tissues. Liana Liberato turns in a stunning performance as Cadi, the guilt of every child to whom the story revolves load, and Peter Wingfield brings incredible warmth and passion to a character whose face is obscured for most of the film. This work will endure as a classic art. |
Firstly, the budget is too small to be kind. It is a very solid story although it could probably have been developed and it feels a little disjointed in places. It is still a solid Last Sin Eater, The Drama film and an excellent addition for fans of Christian films, unlike many Christian films do not launder your message. The best part of the Last Sin Eater, The Drama film is the performance of Peter Wingfield as the dining Sin. While it is almost a minor character in the screen that makes the performance of his film. His voice is so painful in their scenes (which is hidden for most of the film) that you could sob for him. His pathos is the ground. He is not too dramatic, but it succeeds in selling the believability of the film. |
Let me start by saying I am not a Christian (I do believe in God, but I am afraid I did not make a Christian) - and to answer your question: Yes, this is a DivX film Last Sin Eater, The * * Christian with a very clear message, but I will not spoil the plot for you. The story in brief is the awakening of a Welsh community in the first of America, coming to terms with its dark history, seen through the eyes of a child of ten years. There are imperfections. It is based on a novel, so the director had to make tough decisions to reduce the number of plot for screen time. The editing was not good and has led some incoherency and superficial plot holes. The story at times is not going nowhere, and the 'horror' scenes could have been better left out, seemingly out of place. Special effects looked cheap. Last and least: the accents. They must have spent a little more emphasis on training because it sounded like an exaggeration (teethless) dialect .. But there are some good results to be admired. First, I tip my hat Liana Liberato. What a great actress at such a young age. Secondly Soren Fulton has done a great job and there was not much chemistry between him and Liana. What about Louise Fletcher? Excellent. The actress who once played the horrible Pratched nurse (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) .. was wonderfully acted and brilliantly cast. So let's see what we have here. If you take these things into account and is not terrified by evangelism - not bad for a Sunday afternoon. |
I was expecting an awkward preachy "Christian" movie, but the performance was excellent and the story twisted around me and I almost cried straight through the last half hour of this movie. Each and every character very motivated, and the plot and character development plays well. Characters that hatred that would later come to sympathize with. Nobody is good or all bad, in your opinion right. Their actions to perfect sense in retrospect, given their experience and isolation. His accent took a little while to get used to, however. We found that we had to use subtitles to follow what was happening. Once we got used to them, however, we noted in history. The flashbacks in the final of the Last Sin Eater, The Drama film were particularly poignant. He was emotionally exhausted and elated at finishing this movie. It is a must-see. |
This is a DVD film Last Sin Eater, The that requires a bit of willing suspension of disbelief, as its creators seem to be possibly prey to the fallacy that simply being a Christian Christian art. That does not mean that they did not get the most good, just that their mistakes are so preventable. Fortunately, most (like the young star of the incredibly lavish costumes) were not important for me to distraction. But the starkness of the scenes of special effects (which, fortunately, are short) that interrupt my experience, I wondered, "What were thinking that the right to expect?" Most of the cast does a really good job with all the central characters (the Forbes family and Fagan Kai) get moving, sincere and convincing performances from his players. There is a relationship between the amount of screen time and quality, so that the child remain rather two-dimensional characters, but not distractingly so. Photography (except for special effects, as noted) is beautiful and effective, and successfully evokes the feeling of confinement, dense forests of the Appalachians and isolation. Bottom line: Despite its minor shortcomings, this is an effective system, which affect, not preachy and original narrative of one of the central concepts of Christianity. |
This is a good Last Sin Eater, The film to see. Despite having the feeling of low budget, which promotes a good message. He spends a good message, and shows a shift in traditional practices. Not your average film, which contains sex or blood. The slow development of the plot was even a bit to find out what the DivX Movie Last Sin Eater, The is about. The accents are a bit off, i agree with that. But who knows what he honestly accents then. When everybody was moving toward the west, was a huge culture shock. The only thing that would have changed is an argument developing towards the end. "The Dark Secret," not even come into play until the last minute. N reference point to what-ever it was in fact was. |
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