L.A. Story

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Download Movie L.A. StoryL.A. Story
Something funny is happening in L.A.
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Fantasy, Comedy, Romance, Drama
Year: 1991
IMDB Rating: 6.60
IMDB Votes: 11398
Actors: McMurray, Sam as Morris Frost, Stahl, Richard as Bank Executive, Stewart, Patrick as Mr. Perdue, Maitre D' at L'Idiot, Lustig, Aaron as Boring Speaker, Simmons, Thornton as Man, Dragon, Dennis as Crook, Shan, M.C. as Rap Waiter at L'Idiot, Amador, Andrew as Bob, News Anchor, Miller, Larry as Tom, Winters, Time as Floss Waiter at L'Idiot, De Harp, Eddie as Maitre D' at Brunch, Pollak, Kevin as Frank Swan, Martin, Steve as Harris K. Telemacher, Grant, Richard E. as Roland Mackey, Hinkley, Tommy as Ted
In this spin on the traditional romantic comedy, Harris K. Tellemacher, a Shakespeare-quoting, Los Angeles TV weatherman is looking for something meaningful for his life. The Los Angeles Freeway sign informs him that the weather will change his life in two ways, and Harris begins to search for the meaning behind that message.
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