Ghost and the Darkness, The

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Download Movie Ghost and the Darkness, TheGhost and the Darkness, The
Control Your Fear, Prey For The Hunters, Only the most incredible parts are true.
Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Drama, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Horror
Year: 1996
IMDB Rating: 6.50
IMDB Votes: 13333
Actors: Cele, Henry as Mahina, Devnarain, Jack as Nervous Sikh Orderly, Reddy, Teddy as Worker #2, Mortimer, Emily as Helena Patterson, Egelhof, Kurt as Indian Victim, Kani, John as Samuel, Wilkinson, Tom as Robert Beaumont, Annamalai, Satchu as Worker #1, Kilmer, Val as Col. John Henry Patterson, Puri, Om as Abdullah, Khan, Raheem as Worker #3, Douglas, Michael as Charles Remington, McCardie, Brian as Angus Starling, Gabela, Glen as Orderly #1, Hill, Bernard as Dr. David Hawthorne
In 1896, a construction engineer from the British Army, J.H. Patterson (Kilmer) is sent to build a railway bridge across Uganda's Tsavo River for the British East African Railway. Soon after he arrives, workmen begin to disappear at night from their tents - never to be seen alive again. The engineer soon discovers that a pair of man-eating lions are stalking around the bridge and campsites, killing the workmen for food. He tries a number of different methods to get rid of them, but the beasts always seem to know what Patterson is doing and avoid being shot. After 30 men have been killed Patterson's boss recruits a hunter, Charles Remington (Douglas) to hunt down and destroy the lions. But the lions continue killing the workmen until they flee the camps, jumping onto the train as it rolls through Tsavo. Now Remington, Patterson & his aide (John Kani) must face these brilliant yet frightening monsters alone.
Download Ghost and the Darkness, The Movie Here

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